

The documentation can be found on this link.

OpenUI5 is a javascript client side framework created by the people at SAP with existing components that come out of the books with different themes. It uses jQuery under the hood and has an MVC architecture. So think of MVC framework with default themes and designs like bootstrap.

To remember


When inheriting an OpenUI5 object to add custom logic, make sure to call also the function on the prototype chain that you are overriding.

MyClass.prototype.onAfterRendering = function() {

Platform & Browser support

Can be found here;

Cross library usage




Every month, OpenUI5 releases a new version for productive usage. And once per year a new LTS.

OpenUI5 vs. SAPUI5

OpenUI5 is an OSS licence, SAPUI5 requires a license

Named Models

Set a model with a key when you have multiple models living in parallel with each other.

 var oBundle = this.getView().getModel("i18n").getResourceBundle();
 var sRecipient = this.getView().getModel().getProperty("/recipient/name");

Data binding

In the XML view, we use data binding to connect the button text to the showHelloButtonText property in the i18n model. A resource bundle is a flat structure, therefore the preceding slash (/) can be omitted for the path.

Short tips